托福满分备考经验 | My Advice for High TOEFL Score
我最近申请美国研究生卡耐基梅伦的计算机专业不接受五年以外的托福成绩, 所以不得不考了一次托福, 准备了大概一天做了一套模拟题熟悉了一下, 考了满分, 想在这里跟大家分享一下经验.
先说一下, 我是美国本科背景, 但在申请本科的时候以中国普高的背景托福也考了115, 所以这里说的大部分备考经验都是相通的, 大家按照思路练就可以哈. 我很久以前也教过一段时间托福, 大部分学生写作提升是最快的, 尤其是综合写作. 这一篇主要写写作
, 略带提一下其他的科目技巧, 希望对大家有帮助! 只看写作的话, 可以直接跳到最后, 附模版+范文.
对于托福来说, 最重要的就是单词啦! 毕竟做饭还是需要有大米的. 一般刷高频词就可以, 关键词记住了其他小词可以按照语境来猜. 我高中和考GRE的时候背单词方法如下, 虽然很传统, 但还是蛮有效的. 单词背不住真的很正常! 所以以下方法通过循环过筛
- 思路: 每天背30-50新词, 第二天背诵新词+排查前一周的旧词, 记不住的旧词算作新词, 直到记住为止
- 方法: 用横格笔记本抄录, 左边写英文单词, 右边写汉语意思, 背诵的时候靠抄写来记, 自查的时候挡住中文意思看英文
- 抄写的时候当然不是无脑抄, 通过每个单词的拼写以及读音来记住这个词以及其他形近音近词
- 你也可以用百词斩之类的软件, 只不过我觉得用这种传统方法记得深刻+更容易专注
- 听歌+背单词 yyds 令人快乐
注意: 背单词的时候, 拼写和读音还是蛮重要的, 尤其是高频词, 对于写作听力口语都有帮助!
- 当然了, 不同词的情况不一样. 脊椎动物(vertebrate)知道什么意思能和veteran(老兵), veterinarian(兽医)区分开来就可以, 但是elaborate(阐述)就要会读会写会认了
单独看托福的话, 好像语法不是很重要, 但是在口语和写作里面其实还是蛮算分的, 尤其是综合写作. 毕竟大致内容一般同学都是可以描述出来的, 所以准确性就至关重要啦! 值得注意的是, 不要自己给自己下套, 每个句子用一个高级句式就可以了, 太多的话, 自己容易错, 评卷人也容易看懵. 语法其实会几个高级句式, 时态懂, 不写run-on sentences就够了. 之前SAT2400分的时候语法的考点琢磨透, 考其他的东西都不在话下. 我随便在知乎上找了一个知识点总结, 感兴趣的话可以看一下.
最重要的是看标题(哈哈没想到吧) 因为标题大部分的时候都会给你一个非常直观的概括, 告诉你这篇文章是讲什么的. 我建议在开始做题之前可以花1-2分钟读一下每段的首尾句, 看看它讲的是一个什么内容, 这样有助于之后6选3的题型.
还有一个重点就是不要在一道题上面浪费太长时间 我觉得这个很大程度上是一个心理战, 越纠结花的时间越长, 结果最后一篇文章没有充足的时间来做题, 最后得不偿失. 每篇文章20分钟定好了, 一到时间不管做没做完都要做下一篇题目. 同理, 不要在一道题上花超过1-2分钟. 如果每道题都超, 文章是不可能做完的. 不要总觉得我再想想可能就会想通, 短时间内这种可能性比较小.
听力最重要的就是笔记了! 反正我没有笔记的话是记不太清都发生了什么的. 记笔记我建议中英文混杂记, 因为记录因果关系有时候写中文会更快捷一些! 毕竟写了十几二十多年了
情景对话在这里不过多阐述, 主要是记住两个人一开始的态度或是要做的事情, 后来有没有转变, 因为什么.
科目课堂比较难, 因为讲好久, 有的还很复杂. 这个我建议找一个大一点的地方可以画思维导图, 把人物/主体关系可以用画图的方式展现出来. 用bullet point来记教授讲的关于这个主体的所有事情. 如果介绍的主体单词听不懂, 没关系, 靠拼音, 大概知道主体是这个词就可以, 不要纠结太久. 一纠结了就分神了, 容易漏掉重点.
推荐把听懂的内容, 不管用中文还是英文速记下来, 但值得注意的是 听力需要高度集中注意力, 讲同一个要点的时候要听、理解、记, 但如果听力主人公开始讲下一个要点了, 上一句的笔记不需要写完, 直接听主人公讲下一个要点, 再把理解下来的尽量写下来. 不要出现人家都讲另一件事了我们还在写上一件事笔记的情况.
我觉得口语有一点蛮重要的 —— 有头有尾
开头前5-6秒形容一下你听到了什么以及这道题要求你做的事情, 比如说张贴告示下周体育馆关门, 听力里面的两个人一个觉得没什么一个比较烦, 题目叫你概括. 我们在开头就可以给个背景. 这个开头句其实可以在考前按照不同的题型我们自己写一个模版, 到时候就可以直接套用, 不需要现想.
同理, 结束的时候也要留5-6秒总结一下. 比如说另一种题型, 听力里面是一个描述孩子不听话三种行为的原因的课堂, 让我们综合概括一下. 这种在最后就可以说 综上所述, 以上是三种孩子不听话的原因.
口语也是同理, 能用简单句说明白的话尽量不要用复杂句. 一般口语的考核标准是: 你是否把命题准确的回答了, 概括的内容是否准确, 语法是否正确(没有写作要求那么严格), 以及发音是否标准(与其说标准, 说成能让人听懂可能更准确一点). 大家可以录一下自己回答的音频, 听一听, 看看有什么问题可不可以专项练.
写作最重要的是写完! 听起来比较duh, 但是最好提前3-5分钟
写完读一遍, 相信我, 你会发现自己写的不少语法错误的. 但一般情况下都是小的语法错误, 比如说缺个单三啦, 少个复数啦, 单词拼错啦之类的. 这样一遍读下来, 把语法错误改正, 就可以提个1-2分之类的. 以下有几个我觉得写作比较受用的技巧:
- 不要背例子. 真的, 没有必要. 我从高中考托福SAT到大学考GRE, 没有背过例子. 用例子可能也是那种家喻户晓, 马斯克爱迪生比尔盖茨之类平时看新闻会知道的例子. 有背例子的时间, 我们可以考虑好好学一下语法, 这样可以直接写. 不用强行套.
- 随便找一个过渡词表, 背3-4种以下词汇, 真的, 3-4种够用了, 你只需要写两篇文章:
- 首先, 其次, 然后, 最后, 总结
- 常用逻辑连接词以及他们的正确用法. (比如, 虽然但是, 尽管如此)
- 说, 认为, 想, 觉得 (这个写综合写作还是挺重要的, 别满篇的think, 也可以用argue, state, prove, explain, introduce, 等等)
- 文章(passage, text, article), 讲述人 (lecturer, professor, speaker)
- 在去考试之前写一个自己的模版 (自己写一个, 不要去网上找, 这样比较符合你的口吻)
- 写文章换段的时候空一行, 这样看起来整洁大气
接下来的写作模版部分, 我简要介绍一下我写托福模版的思路.
写作建议 + 模版思路 + 例文
综合写作 Integrated Writing
20分钟创作时间, 写大概300-350字就差不多了. 虽然说字数要求在150-225, 但是写多字真的不扣分(相信我, 我考过3次写作满分, 每次写的字数都超多). 这个时候我们的模版就派上用场了, 可以提前写不会出错的复杂句式, 还可以凑字数!
模版思路 (中文)
- 第一段: 在xxx话题上出现了两种不同的意见. 文章说
, 但是教授说*阐述教授意见*
. 接下来的三段, 我会对于每一个论点进行详细阐述. - 第二段: 首先,
. (paraphrase一下). 但是 (第一个表示但是的词),*教授的第一个观点*
. 所以 (第一个表示所以的词),paraphrase说文章的观点不成立
- 第三段: 其次/第二,
. (paraphrase一下). 但是 (第二个表示但是的词),*教授的第二个观点*
. 所以 (第二个表示所以的词),paraphrase说文章的观点不成立
- 第四段: 最后,
. (paraphrase一下). 但是 (第三个表示但是的词),*教授的第三个观点*
. 所以 (第三个表示所以的词),paraphrase说文章的观点不成立
- 第五段(可选): 综上所述, 讲述人不同意文章的观点.
Question: Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they respond to the specific points made in the reading passage. There have been two sides of opinions on how to better battle the tropical disease malaria. The passage mainly lists out three main ways that will hopefully wipe out the disease, whereas the professor in the lecture states that none of the three strategies work effectively enough to completely eliminate malaria. I will state the reasoning for the lecturer on each of the strategies below.
For starters, the passage explains that administration of powerful prescription medicines can fight the symptoms of the infection by testing the exact malaria parasite strain in the patient's blood. However, the professor argues that the medication is only a treatment, not a cure, to the disease. Furthermore, the parasites have developed immunity towards modern medications. There are 2 known medications that no longer work for the strain of malaria parasite it was supposed to combat. It is not surprising that there will only be more parasites that become immune towards the medications in the future. Hence, the medications themselves will not eradicate malaria.
The second strategy introduced in the text is to directly kill the mosquitos through chemicals and to kill the larvae in still, warm water through chemicals and predatory fish. Nonetheless, the professor argues that it is hard to kill all of the mosquitos considering the sheer amount of them as well as their ability to fly. He mentions that killing the larvae through fish or chemicals presents the same challenges in the amount required to completely wipe out the mosquito larvae population. Therefore, chemical or predator elimination may also not work.
Lastly, the article describes the sterile insect technique, where humans breed millions of male mosquitoes with low-level gamma rays and release them into the wilderness to mate with female mosquitoes. The eggs produced this way do not hatch and this will eventually cause the mosquitoes to die out. But the professor points out that even though this has been effective to some extent, the males hatched this way do not mate as efficiently as the wild male mosquitoes. There might be a lot of reasons behind this, such as the breeded males do not attract the wild females as much, but the fact that they do not mate as effectively causes the professor to be concerned that this approach will also not get rid of the malaria disease completely.
Overall, the professor in the lecture does not agree that these three strategies are enough to eliminate the malaria disease.
独立写作 Independent Writing
30分钟创作时间, 同理, 虽然字数要求是300字, 一般我们都至少450-550字, 保证质量的前提下, 多写一点肯定是不吃亏的
独立写作我推荐5段: 开头段, 2个正面论点段落来论证你的观点, 1个让步段从另一个观点的角度来说 (虽然另一个观点也有道理, 但我还是坚持我的论点), 结尾段
中间两个正面论点段前两句话必须把你的正面论点说清楚. 论点不要太复杂, 我们的目标是把它说清楚. 一般情况下, 托福独立写作不太关注我们的论点是否足够复杂和成熟, 更关注于你的论述能力和单词语法的基本功底. 所以选观点的时候, 选择你有更多话说的观点, 而不是你觉得/你觉得对方觉得正确的观点.
模版思路 (中文)
- 第一段: 浅开一个头, 简单写一下主题的社会背景 + 你的看法. 一般2-3句复合句就可以, 复合句句式不需要太复杂, 准确为主, 但还是不建议简单句开头.
: 比如说, 比较线上上课和线下教学, 这里可以说现在科技发展, 教育越来越高效了, 不需要在同一个地方才能得到同等程度的教育. -
: 可以用逻辑联结词来写一个复合句 – 1) 因为我非常重视效率, 所以我更偏向于线上上课 OR 2) 尽管我很喜欢和我学校认识的人一起玩, 我认为线上上课有更多好处.
- 第二段:
- 首先 (要换一种和综合写作不一样的首先来用), 亮观点. (最好直接说, 如果要铺垫, 也不能超过1句铺垫)
- 举例(推荐)来论证或者直接逻辑论证. 我不是很推荐逻辑论证, 除非你觉得你能在10分钟内把你要表达的内容非常有逻辑的说清楚. 否则的话, 还是靠举例吧, 比较方便也很凑字数. 这里的例子不一定非要是名人名例, 也可以是身边人的例子或者是自己的过往经历, 主要还是需要扣题.
- 总结句: 总结一下你的论点1为什么支持你的观点
- 第三段:
- 和第二段同理, 用“其次”来开头引你的第二个论点.
- 举例/逻辑论证
- 总结句
- 第四段:
- 我一般直接会用 It is understandable why 你的相反观点成立. 这里我会用1-2个原因, 直接找最明显的原因. 但是 + 这些原因不足以让你选择这个观点的原因.
- 总结句: 所以我还是支持我自己的观点
- 第五段:
- 总而言之 (In a nutshell/Overall/All in all, etc.), 我因为以上原因还是支持我自己的观点.
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today spend too much money on clothing to improve their appearance. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.
With the rapid development of economy and technology today, people have more and more disposable income to spend on entertainment and improvement of life quality including fashion and clothing. While I appreciate seeing more and more styles on the street, I agree with the statement that people today spend too much money on clothing to improve their appearance.
First of all, improving one's appearance does not solely come from the amount or the price of clothing one owns, but from a healthy lifestyle and a good understanding of fashion. Appearance consists of two parts: body and the garnaments used to decorate the body. The first component, the appearance of the body, can only be improved through a healthy diet and regular exercises. I am not at all trying to promote a certain body type, but the natural glow coming out of a healthy lifestyle cannot be compensated by any clothing. Hence, the amount of money spent on clothing does not matter when it comes to the first part. The second component is indeed clothing. However, the understanding of what makes fashionable and stylish clothing outweighs the price and amount of the clothing. There are a vast amount of ways to find good-looking clothes without hurting one's wallet, such as thrifting or simply going to smaller, non-designer brands. Therefore, as my first point, money spent on clothing is not the most important thing when it comes to improving appearance.
Moreover, from the standpoint of the environment, it is also not a good idea to spend too much money on clothing. It is old but important news that we need to save and protect our planet Earth. Fast fashion brands like H&M or Forever 21 not only promote people from buying an excessive amount of clothing at a relatively cheap price, but also make clothing with poor quality that forces people to replace them. Consumers today need to realize this unsustainable cycle, and break it by buying high quality clothing that can be worn multiple times. To add on to my first point, the best way to improve people's appearance not at the price of the environment is through buying good-looking clothing that can be worn over a long time and recycled.
It is indeed understandable why some people would spend a massive amount of money on clothing. People need to feel confident in themselves in order to succeed in life. Nonetheless, it is significant to come to the realization that confidence and appearance improvement do not only come from the money one spends on clothing. It almost always comes from within. It is much more efficient and effective to improve one's appearance and confidence through exercise, meditation, or learning about fashion before purchase.
In a nutshell, I stand by my opinion on not spending too much money on clothing and finding other more sustainable ways of improving one's appearance.
希望大家早日和托福分手!! 考上自己理想的学校!! 加油