Latent Space

  • Definition: Representation of compressed data

  • Data compression: process of encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation


Ekin Tiu has a Medium article about why it is called latent “space” here

  • Tasks where latent space is necessary

    • Representation learning:

      • Definition: set of techniques that allow a system to discover the representations needed for feature detection or classification from raw data

      • Latent space representation of our data must contain all the important info (features) to represent our original data input

    • Manifold learning (subfield of representation learning):

      • Definition: groups or subsets of data that are “similar” in some way in the latent space, that does not quite show in the higher dimensional space.

      • Manifolds just mean groups of similar data

    • Autoencoders and Generative Models

      • Autoencoders: a neural network that acts an identify function, that has both an encoder and a decoder

      • We need the model to compress the representation (encode) in a way that we can accurately reconstruct it (decode).

        • i.e. image in image out, audio in audio out auto-encoders
      • Generative models: interpolate on latent space to generate “new” image

        • Interpolate: make estimations of independent variables if the independent variable takes on a value in between the range

        • Example: if chair images have 2D latent space vectors as [0.4, 0.5] and [0.45, 0.45], whereas the table has [0.6, 0.75]. Then to generate a picture that is a morph between a chair and a desk, we would sample points in latent space between the chair cluster and the desk cluster.

        • Diff between discriminative and generative:

          • Generative can generate new data instances, capture the joint probability of p(X,Y) or p(X) if Y does not exist

          • Discriminative models classifies instances into different labels. It captures p(Y X) -> given the image, how likely is it a cat?

Contrastive Learning with SimCLRv2

  • Definition: a technique that learns general features of a dataset without labels by teaching the model which data points are similar or different.

    • Happens before classification or segmentation.

    • A type of self-supervised learning. The other is non-contrastive learning.

    • Can significantly improve model performance even when only a fraction of the dataset is labeled.

  • Process: contrastive

    1. Data Augmentation through 2 augmentation combos (i.e. crop + resize + recolor, etc.)

    2. Encoding: Feed the two augmented images into deep learning model to create vector representations.

      • Goal is to train the model to output similar representations for similar images
    3. Minimize loss: Maximize the similarity of the two vector representations by minimizing a contrastive loss function

      • Goal is to quantify the similarity of the two vector representations, then maximize the probability that two vector representations are similar.

      • We use cosine similarity as an example to quantify similarities: the angle between the two vectors in space. The closer they are, the bigger the similarity score cosine-sim
      • Next compute the probability with softmax: softmax
      • Last we use -log() to make it a loss function so that we are minimizing this value, which corresponds to maximizing the probability that two pairs are similar cross-entropy